1. Review Unit #3 At a Birthday Pary (pages 9~11) with CD#1, tracks 30~38.
2. Preview Unit #3 At a Birthday Party (page 12) with CD#1, tracks 39~42.
3. Listen to CD#1 tracks 2~42 repeatedly.
4. 請寫藍色字母練習本上作業,** read ** sleep ** lamb ** leg ** lemon ** rabbit ** red ** run ** robot ** rainbow **,每個字各寫三遍。
5. Look at the picture of the boy making the letter “Bb” with seven balloons. Color it and bring it back to the next class on 2009/08/01.
6. Complete and color the phonics worksheet for Bb: bat, baseball, belt, tubby, crab. Bring it back to the next class on 2009/08/01. Practice sounding out those new words. Give yourself a spelling test. Press the link below to play the video. Listen and repeat.
7. Bring your new textbook, blue printing notebook, homework, and plastic folder to class on 2009/08/01.
本課程含說故事、童謠、自然發音入門,由 Richard 老師親自指導及校正發音。歡迎小一及小二新學員加入學英文的行列!
6. Complete and color the phonics worksheet for sh: ship, shell, shout, dish, crash. Bring it back to the next class on 2009/08/01. Practice sounding out those new words. Give yourself a spelling test. Press the link below to play the video. Listen and repeat.
7. Bring your textbook, blue printing notebook, homework, and plastic folder, to class on 2009/08/01.
本課程含說故事、童謠、自然發音入門,由 Richard 老師親自指導及校正發音。歡迎小三、小四及小五新學員加入學英文的行列!即日起接受報名。
After class ended while you waited to go home, you enjoyed watching Bill Nye the Science Guy--Lakes and Ponds. Here is the video in three parts. Enjoy!
1. View Act II from Episode 23—The Community Center.For Act 2, please click on the link below:
Watch this episode enough times so that you become familiar with the story.
2. The answer key for today’s hidden picture contains 24 items: spatula, carrot, flag, crown, chef’s hat, ice-cream cone, snake, needle, toothbrush, crescent moon, wrench, paintbrush, potato, key, tack, funnel, mushroom, hammer, broom, mug, lollipop, ring, heart, ice-cream bar.
3. Examine the hidden picture puzzle, Carousel. Identify and color the 27 objects embedded in the image. There are two items are the same object. Bring your hidden picture puzzle to the class on 2009/08/01 to discuss your findings. Be prepared to describe the location of the objects using appropriate prepositional phrases.
4. Self-correct the following five “vocabulary sentences” you submitted for Unit #7:
#01. Let’s take a journey to the mountains.
#07. Use your thimble to protect your finger.
#12. I hope no one will conquer my country.
#17. I will probably go to school morrow morning.
#18. I recognize that man the train.
5. Using your MP3 file, listen to the passage from Unit #8: Foods In History 2: A Smuggler’s Secret (page 45) repeatedly (over and over again) and read aloud the passage repeatedly until you master your recitation with perfect pronunciation and perfect fluency. You will recite the passage in class on 2009/08/08. Your recitation will be recorded and analyzed. You will recite the passage by reading it the first time, then by memory the second time. Practice! Practice! Practice!
***FREE***: on a "can do" basis, invite me to co-author your research manuscripts for academic journals and papers published in conference proceedings for prompt editorial acceptance and a subsequent publication.
國立暨南國際大學比較教育研究所 博士候選人,擁有美國企管及教育雙碩士學位。