1. Preview Review 3 (pages 41~42) with CD#2, tracks 35~37.
2. Preview Unit #10 Downtown (pages 43~46) with CD#2, tracks 38~48.
3. Listen to CD#2 tracks 2~48 repeatedly.
4. 請寫藍色字母練習本上作業,** tofu ** hot ** sauce ** instant** noodles ** pickles ** bean ** mushrooms ** sprouts ** bread ** 每個字各寫四遍。
5. Prepare for a spelling dictation quiz for 4~5 Letter Word List #6 and #6a: smash, wing, bench, drop, stamp, crust, from, golf, bunch, thing, crab, chop, swam, shed, glad, shut, ant, soft, scrub, held. Get out your pencil and paper. Give yourself a rehearsal test. Play the video and test yourself as often as possible so that you will get a perfect score on 2010/08/07.
6. Bring your textbook, blue printing notebook, and homework to class on 2010/08/07.