Monday, December 17, 2007

WLC Homework Assigned on 2007/12/14

12月14日成人英語學習班 作業解答

Congratulations to first prizewinner Leo and second prizewinner Alice of the Maple Sugaring “Hidden Picture Contest”. Many thanks for all of your participation in this contest.

Below are the 13 items embedded in the hidden picture of the Christmas carolers singing door-to-door:

cupcake, saw, candy cane, flower, piece of cake
paintbrush, piece of pie, umbrella, cup, spoon
book, carrot, ice-cream bar

Below are the 27 items embedded in the hidden picture of winter fun at the pond:

mug, tulip, mallet, slice of pie, canoe
crescent moon, comb, tack, heart, spaceship
fish, golf club, pencil, candle, slice of bread
hose, snake, saucepan, acorn, needle
bird, fishhook, glass of milk, mushroom, ice-cream bar
ice-cream cone, bell

We had lots of fun over the past three weeks! Wishing you and your family the very best of good health and happiness in 2008!

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