Sunday, February 3, 2008


2月9日及2月16日 兩週六因新年停課,祝大家有一個快樂的新年!萬事如意!!

2008/02/02 Saturday—09:45 ~ 11:45 GEPT Basic英檢基礎班
1. Complete Unit #15 Batty For Baseball (pages 29 ~ 31).
i) Listen to the MP3 file for this unit.
ii) Word-process each “listening” vocabulary on your electronic template as spelled out by Julia, the Chinese translator.
iii) In your own words, word-process one sentence using any ten of the “listening” vocabulary contextually.
iv) E-mail to no later than 11:59 p.m. on 2008/02/21.
作業請在該週四晚上11:59前傳過來。 If your submission is received before the deadline, you will earn one token for each correctly spelled “listening” vocabulary and two tokens for each grammatically correct sentence. Accordingly, late submissions will be filed in your digital portfolio but may not necessarily be discussed and analyzed during class time.
v) While listening to the MP3 file, pay attention to Jessie and Patricia’s conversation and keep in mind the following questions:
1) What do the teachers like to play?
2) What can you see everywhere in Taiwan?
3) What was the teacher not good at doing?
4) To where did the teacher win a trip?
5) What do the teachers plan to do together?
vi) Complete the exercise on the bottom of page 31.
2. Complete the reverse side of the Review Test (sections 5, 6, & 7) and bring it to class on 2008/02/23 to discuss the correct responses.
3. Examine the hidden picture, Mrs. Turtle Makes a Shopping List. Identify and color the 16 objects embedded in the image. Write the list of items that you identified on the back of the hidden picture or on a separate piece of paper. Bring your hidden picture and your word list of the hidden items to class on 2008/02/23 to discuss your findings.

2008/02/02 Saturday—09:45 ~ 11:45 Children’s English兒童英語班
1. Review Review 3 Part I & II (pages 44~45) with CD#2 (tracks 38~41).
2. Preview Unit 10 At School (pages 46~49) with CD#2 (tracks 42~53).
4. Play and listen to CD#2 (tracks 38~53) repeatedly.
5. 請寫藍色字母練習本上作業, ** rooster ** rainbow ** rabbit ** seal ** sun ** sailboat ** get ** on ** off ** train ** ,每個單字各寫3遍。
6. Bring your textbook, blue writing notebook and plastic folder notebook to class on 2008/03/01.
7. 2008/02/23停課乙次,下次上課日期為2008/03/01.

2008/02/02 Saturday—13:00 ~ 15:00 GEPT Senior/Intermediate英檢中級班
1) Complete Unit #18 Taiwan’s Aboriginal Festivals—Puyuma Monkey Hunting Festival (pages 48~50). Listen to the MP3 file for this unit.
While listening to the MP3 file, pay attention to the following questions:
1. What kind of tradition does the teacher mention?
2. What does the teacher talk about throwing into the air?
3. What does the teacher say that a husband and wife cannot do until they have finished the marriage ceremony?
4. In the example of shooting at paper, who is trained in this way?
5. In the example of an actor on camera, what emotion is simulated?
2) Complete the Reading Comprehension Questions on page 49.
3) Complete the Cloze Test on page 50.

2008/02/02 Saturday—15:15 ~ 17:15 GEPT Junior/Elementary英檢初級班

2008/02/02 Saturday—17:30 ~ 19:30 GEPT Intermediate High英檢中高級班
1. Complete Unit #6 Tomb Sweeping Day.
i) Listen to the MP3 file for this unit.
ii) Word-process each “listening” vocabulary on your electronic template as spelled out by Cathy, the Chinese translator.
iii) In your own words, word-process one sentence using any ten of the “listening” vocabulary contextually.
iv) E-mail to no later than 11:59 p.m. on 2008/02/21.
作業請在該週四晚上11:59前傳過來。 If your submission is received before the deadline, you will earn one token for each correctly spelled “listening” vocabulary and two tokens for each grammatically correct sentence. Accordingly, late submissions will be filed in your digital portfolio but may not necessarily be discussed and analyzed during class time.
v) While listening to the MP3 file, pay attention to Jeff and Patricia’s conversation and keep in mind the following questions:
1) Which type of people did the teacher not say are your ancestors?
2) Who did the teacher say you could honor with a present?
3) What kind of fire did the teacher talk about starting?
4) When did the teacher say many people like to burn incense?
5) What did the teacher say you might need to have repaired?
vi) Complete the Listening Comprehension Questions on page 27 and self-correct the exercise with the MP3 file.
2. Examine the hidden picture, The Amusement Park. Identify and color the 17 objects embedded in the image. Write the list of items that you identified on the back of the hidden picture or on a separate piece of paper. Bring your hidden picture and your word list of the hidden items to the next class to discuss your findings.
3. Complete Review #4 in 504 Absolutely Essential Words. Bring your completed review quiz to the next class.
4. Read the biography of Li Po. Prepare for a reading comprehension quiz for the next class.
5. Please bring the handout entitled English Problematic Sounds and Contrasts to the next class.
6. For the next class, Lily will provide a 30-minute presentation using a multi-media presentation (PowerPoint). This presentation will be video and audio recorded. After the presentation, Lily will be asked to complete a self-reflection of her presentation. Accordingly, during her presentation, the students will be asked to complete a feedback/comment form for Lily. Thank you, Sandra for your presentation.

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