Tuesday, September 1, 2009

2009/08/29 Saturday—10:00~12:00 Children’s English 兒童英語班

1. Review Unit #4 At the Store Window (pages 15~18) with CD#1, tracks 48~60.
2. Preview Unit #5 At the Airport (pages 19~22) with CD#1, tracks 61~73.
3. Listen to CD#1 tracks 2~73 repeatedly.
4. 請寫藍色字母練習本上作業,** where ** are ** you ** from ** France ** very ** well ** thank ** much ** doing **,每個字各寫三遍。
5. Complete and color the phonics worksheet for the sound oa: oak, goat, coat, soak, toast. Bring it back to the next class on 2009/09/05. Practice sounding out those new words. Give yourself a spelling test. Press the link below to play the video. Play the video again.
6. Bring your new textbook, blue printing notebook, homework, and plastic folder to class on 2009/09/05.
7. After class, you might have watched Bill Nye the Science GuyPlanets and Moons. Here it is in three parts. Press the links:

本課程含說故事、童謠、自然發音入門,由 Richard 老師親自指導及校正發音。歡迎小及小新學員加入學英文的行列!

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