Saturday, June 26, 2010

2010/06/26 Saturday—13:00~15:00 Children’s English 兒童英語進階班

1. Review Unit #7 At the Drugstore (pages 29~31) with CD#1, tracks 2~9.
2. Preview Unit #7 At the Drugstore (page 32) with CD#1, tracks 10~12.
3. Preview Unit #8 In the State Park (page 33~36) with CD#1, tracks 13~36.
4. Listen to CD#2 tracks 2~36 repeatedly.
5. 請寫藍色字母練習本上作業,** money ** soap ** shampoo ** makeup** film ** medicine ** toothpaste ** sunscreen ** caps ** cats ** 個字各寫四遍。
6. Prepare for a spelling dictation quiz for 4~5 Letter Word List #4 and #4a: chin, trap, plum, lost, hush, snap, fresh, swim, long, split, rich, with, chest, lunch, club, best, camp, flag, plug, slept. Get out your pencil and paper. Give yourself a rehearsal test. Play the video and test yourself as often as possible so that you will get a perfect score on 2010/07/10.

7. Bring your textbook, blue printing notebook, homework, and plastic folder to class on 2010/07/10.

2010/06/26 Saturday—10:00~12:00 GEPT Junior 全民英檢初級班

1. Complete the assignments which were provided verbally in class.
2. Please note that the next class is scheduled on 2010/07/10.

2010/06/26 Saturday—15:30~17:30 GEPT Basic 英檢基礎班

1. Complete the assignments which were provided verbally in class.
2. Please note that the next class is scheduled on 2010/07/10.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

2010/06/19 Saturday—10:00~12:00 Children’s English 兒童英語入門班

1. Review Unit #7 Clock Shop (pages 32~35) with CD#2, tracks 2~13.
2. Preview Unit #8 A Week at Camp Fun (pages 36~39) with CD#2, tracks 14~25.
3. Listen to CD#2 tracks 2~25 repeatedly.
4. 請寫藍色字母練習本上作業,** cap ** sweater ** shirt ** skirt ** dress ** put ** on **每個字各寫二遍。
5. Complete and color the picture of the two children making the letter D. Bring it back to class on 2010/06/26.
6. Complete and color the phonics worksheet for Dd: drum, band, dog, sad, puddle. Bring it back to class on 2010/06/26. Practice sounding out those new words. Give yourself a spelling test. Press the link below to play the video. Play the video again!

7. Bring your textbook, blue printing notebook, and plastic folder to class on 2010/06/26.

2010/06/19 Saturday—13:00~15:00 Children’s English 兒童英語進階班

1. Preview Unit #7 At the Drugstore (pages 29~32) with CD#1, tracks 2~12.
2. Listen to CD#2 tracks 2~12 repeatedly.
3. 請寫藍色字母練習本上作業,** July ** shy ** sky ** baby** candy ** party ** carry ** true ** false ** review ** 個字各寫四遍。
4. Prepare for a spelling dictation quiz for 4~5 Letter Word List #3 and #3a: bump, hunt, bent, hand, loft, spin, band, just, tent, very, sand, crash, that, this, song, land, quiz, dish, cash, sang. Get out your pencil and paper. Give yourself a rehearsal test. Play the video and test yourself as often as possible so that you will get a perfect score on 2010/05/26.
5. Bring your textbook, blue printing notebook, homework, and plastic folder to class on 2010/06/26.

2010/06/19 Saturday—10:00~12:00 GEPT Junior 全民英檢初級班

Complete the assignments which were provided verbally in class.

2010/06/19 Saturday—15:30~17:30 GEPT Basic 英檢基礎班

Complete the assignments which were provided verbally in class.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

2010/06/12 Saturday—13:00~15:00 Children’s English 兒童英語入門班

1. Review Unit #7 Clock Shop (page 32) with CD#2, tracks 2~4.
2. Preview Unit #7 Clock Shop (pages 33~35) with CD#2, tracks 5~13.
3. Listen to CD#1 tracks 2~84 repeatedly.
4. Listen to CD#2 tracks 2~13 repeatedly.
5. 請寫藍色字母練習本上作業,** kite ** ink ** igloo ** jar** insect ** jeans ** jacket **每個字各寫二遍。
6. Complete and color the picture of the two children making the letter D. Bring it back to class on 2010/06/26.
7. Complete and color the phonics worksheet for Dd: drum, band, dog, sad, puddle. Bring it back to class on 2010/06/26. Practice sounding out those new words. Give yourself a spelling test. Press the link below to play the video. Play the video again!
8. Bring your textbook, blue printing notebook, and plastic folder to class on 2010/06/19.

2010/06/12 Saturday—13:00~15:00 Children’s English 兒童英語進階班

1. Preview Review 2 (pages 27~28) with CD#1, tracks 73~75.
2. Review Units #1~6 (pages 1~28) with CD#1, tracks 2~75.
3. Listen to CD#1 tracks 2~75 repeatedly.
4. 請寫藍色字母練習本上作業,** jacket ** camera ** wallet ** umbrella** hairbrush ** box ** keys ** lunch ** glasses ** whose ** 每個字各寫四遍。
5. Prepare for a spelling dictation quiz for 4~5 Letter Word List #3 and #3a: bump, hunt, bent, hand, loft, spin, band, just, tent, very, sand, crash, that, this, song, land, quiz, dish, cash, sang. Get out your pencil and paper. Give yourself a rehearsal test. Play the video and test yourself as often as possible so that you will get a perfect score on 2010/05/26.
6. Bring your textbook, blue printing notebook, homework, and plastic folder to class on 2010/06/19.

2010/06/12 Saturday—10:00~12:00 GEPT Junior 全民英檢初級班

Complete the assignments which were provided verbally in class.

2010/06/12 Saturday—15:30~17:30 GEPT Basic 英檢基礎班

Complete the assignments which were provided verbally in class.

2010/06/12 Saturday—08:00~10:00 GEPT Intermediate 全民英檢中級入門班

1. Click the link below for a pronunciation drill of the word list for Lesson 31.

2. Complete the other assignments which were provided verbally in class.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

2010/06/05 Saturday—13:00~15:00 Children’s English 兒童英語進階班

1. Review Unit #6 At the Lost and Found Table (pages 23~25) with CD#1, tracks 62~69.
2. Preview Unit #6 At the Lost and Found Table (page 26) with CD#1, tracks 70~72.
3. Preview Review 2 (pages 27~28) with CD#1, tracks 73~75.
4. Listen to CD#1 tracks 2~75 repeatedly.
5. 請寫藍色字母練習本上作業,** feet ** finger ** hand ** leg** arm ** foot ** knee ** hurt ** think bath ** 每個字各寫四遍。
6. Prepare for a spelling dictation quiz for 4~5 Letter Word List #2 and #2a: list, west, just, split, mend, misty, jump, wind, clip, dump, snip, hung, wish, bend, belt, melt, lump, went, must, lend. Get out your pencil and paper. Give yourself a rehearsal test. Play the video and test yourself as often as possible so that you will get a perfect score on 2010/05/12.

7. Bring your textbook, blue printing notebook, homework, and plastic folder to class on 2010/06/12.

2010/06/05 Saturday—13:00~15:00 Children’s English 兒童英語入門班

1. Review Unit #6 Camping Trip (pages 26~29) with CD#1, tracks 69~80.
2. Preview Review 2 (pages 30~31) with CD#1, tracks 81~84.
3. Listen to CD#1 tracks 2~84 repeatedly.
4. 請寫藍色字母練習本上作業,** yo-yo ** puzzle ** jump ** rope** doll ** push ** wagon **個字各寫二遍。
5. Complete and color the picture of the two children making the letter M. Bring it back to class on 2010/06/12.
6. Complete and color the phonics worksheet for Mm: meal, menu, man, summer, swim. Bring it back to class on 2010/06/12. Practice sounding out those new words. Give yourself a spelling test. Press the link below to play the video. Play the video again!

7. Bring your textbook, blue printing notebook, and plastic folder to class on 2010/06/12.

2010/06/05 Saturday—15:30~17:30 GEPT Basic 英檢基礎班

Complete the assignments which were provided verbally in class.

2010/06/05 Saturday—10:00~12:00 GEPT Junior 全民英檢初級班

Complete the assignments which were provided verbally in class.

2010/06/05 Saturday—08:00~10:00 GEPT Intermediate 全民英檢中級入門班

1. Click the link below for a pronunciation drill of the word list for Lesson 31.

2. Complete the other assignments which were provided verbally in class.