1. Review Unit #12 Around the House (page 51) with CD#2, tracks 60~62.
2. Preview Unit #12 Around the House (pages 52~54) with CD#2, tracks 63~70.
3. Preview Review 4 (pages 55~56) with CD#2, tracks 71~72.
4. Enter the new vocabulary words from page 52 on to My Picture Dictionary on pages 63~66.
5. Listen to CD#2 tracks 2~73 repeatedly.
6. 請寫藍色字母練習本上作業,** drugstore ** crab ** dream ** tree ** cry ** dress ** truck ** bathroom ** dining ** yard ** 每個字各寫四遍。Prepare for a spelling dictation quiz for all of the above ten words on 2010/08/28.
7. Prepare for a spelling dictation quiz for ee/ea—letter words: Word List #2 & 2a: bee, eat, clean, sweet, weep, peas, leaf, sheep, speak, feed, cream, dream, weed, feet, scream, seeds, stream, team, sweep, street. Get out your pencil and paper. Give yourself a rehearsal test. Play the video and test yourself as often as possible so that you will get a perfect score on 2010/09/04.
8. Bring your textbook, blue printing notebook, and homework to class on 2010/08/28.