Thursday, December 1, 2011

Episode 4 -- It's A Piece of Cake -- Family Album, USA

Episode 4 -- Family Album USA

Act 1

Act 2

Act 3

Listening Comprehension Questions

01. At the beginning of Act I, how did Marilyn feel when she arrived home?
02. What does Richard do every morning for sixty minutes without stopping?
03. When will the next aerobics class take place?
04. Who is the name of Marilyn’s aerobics instructor?
05. Why was Richard asked to come a little early to his first class?
06. When did Richard have his last complete physical?
07. Name three items needed to cook dinner for the Stewart family.
08. What did Richard do instead of exercising at the aerobics class?
09. How did Richard feel after his first advanced aerobics class?
10. What did the aerobics instructor say about Richard’s health?
11. Who won the bet?
12. Who will cook dinner for the entire Stewart family?

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