2008/09/27 Saturday—09:45~11:45 Children’s English 兒童英語班
1. Review Review 1 (pages 13~14)
2. Preview Unit #4 At the Stationery Store (pages 15~18)
3. Play and listen to CD#1, tracks 41~57 repeatedly.
4. 請寫藍色字母練習本上作業,** pizza ** ball ** kite ** gorilla ** milk ** nose ** ** key ** girl ** net ** pig,每個字各寫3遍。
5. Bring your textbook, blue printing notebook, and plastic folder to class on 2008/10/04.
2008/09/27 Saturday—09:45~11:45 GEPT Basic 全民英檢基礎 進階班
1. Complete Unit #4 Internet Danger (pages 10~13)
i) Listen to the MP3 file for this unit.
ii) Word-process each of the “listening” vocabulary on your electronic template as spelled out by Daisy, the Chinese translator.
iii) In your own words, word-process one sentence using any six of the “listening” vocabulary contextually. As always, do not use a dictionary.
iv) Listen to all 14 of the Vocabulary Sentences provided near the end of the unit just before the Listening Comprehension Questions.
v) Word-process any three vocabulary sentences on your electronic template.
vi) E-mail to winstontaiwan@gmail.com no later than 11:59 p.m. on 2008/10/02.
vii) While listening to the MP3 file, pay attention to Richard and Dana’s conversation and keep in mind the following questions:
1. What does the teacher like to do online?
2. What does the teacher say about countries like
3. What does the teacher say about people hurt by the tsunami?
4. According to the teacher, what does ‘stress’ result from?
5. What does the teacher say about Coca-Cola?
4. Examine the hidden picture puzzle, A Splashing-Good Time. Identify and color the 12 objects embedded in the image. Bring your hidden picture puzzle to the class on 2008/10/04 to discuss your findings. Be prepared to describe the location of each object using appropriate prepositional phrases. There are three animals that begin with the letter “p”; three animals that begin with the letter “d”; two animals that contain two words: the first word begins with the letter “s” and the second word begins with the letter “g”; one animal begins with the letter “m”; one animal begins with the letter “s”; one animal begins with the letter “w” and the last animal begins with the letter “w”.
即日起週六Saturday—13:00~15:00 Children’s English 兒童英語入門班
即日起週六Saturday—13:00~15:00 GEPT Basic 全民英檢基礎入門班
即日起週六Saturday—15:30~17:30 GEPT Junior/Elementary 全民英檢初級入門班
2008/09/27 Saturday—18:00~20:00 GEPT Intermediate High 全民英檢中高級班
1. Complete Test#2 (Part 2) GEPT Rehearsal Test (Reading Section). Write your responses on the question sheet and bring it back to class on 2008/10/04.
2. Complete Unit #19 Wild Things: The Problem With Zoos (pages 91~93).
i) Listen to the MP3 file for this unit.
ii) Word-process each “listening” vocabulary on your electronic template as spelled out by Frances, the Chinese translator.
iii) In your own words, word-process one sentence using each of the “listening” vocabulary contextually. As always, do not use a dictionary.
iv) E-mail to winstontaiwan@gmail.com no later than 11:59 p.m. on 2008/10/02.
v) While listening to the MP3 file, pay attention to Scott and Angela’s conversation and keep in mind the following questions:
1. What did the teacher say will be dreadful?
2. What current ethical debate in
3. What does Scott like to do for entertainment?
4. According to the teacher, why did the murderer have to stay in jail?
5. Where did the teachers say penguins might be happiest?
vi) Complete the Listening Comprehension Questions on page 92 and self-correct the exercise with the MP3 file.
3. Word-process a 100~150 word expository (composition) about something memorable you did during this summer vacation. E-mail to winstontaiwan@gmail.com no later than 11:59 p.m. on 2008/10/02.
4. Examine the hidden picture puzzle, Animal Farmer’s Market. Identify and color the 18 objects embedded in the image. Bring your hidden picture puzzle to the class on 2008/10/04 to discuss your findings. Be prepared to describe the location of each object using appropriate prepositional phrases.
5. Complete Word Review #5 in 504 Absolutely Essential Words. Bring your completed exercise to the next class on 2008/10/04.
6. Explore Live Journal at the following website: http://www.livejournal.com/. You are invited to register and add me as a “friend” and join the “community”. Feel free to post your journals. If you post journal entries, I will read them and respond accordingly. This is your invitation for English free writing!
7. As always, bring the handout entitled English Problematic Sounds and Contrasts to each class in case we have extra time to use the exercises.
即日起週日Sunday—13:00~15:00 GEPT Senior/Intermediate全民英檢中級班
2008/09/28 Sunday—15:30~17:30 GEPT Junior/Elementary 全民英檢初級進階班
1. Complete習作本 Unit #4—GEPT Rehearsal Tests (pages 55~72).
i) Complete the Reading Exercises (pages 63~69).
ii) Complete the Writing Exercises (pages 70~72).
iii) Bring your workbook(習作本)to class to correct the exercises.
2. Prepare for a vocabulary test for Unit #2 (page 9).
3. Examine the hidden picture puzzle, A Rainy Day. Identify and color the 12 objects embedded in the image. Bring your hidden picture puzzle to the class on 2008/10/05 to discuss your findings. Be prepared to describe the location of each object using appropriate prepositional phrases.
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