2008/11/22 Saturday—09:45~11:45 Children’s English 兒童英語班
1. Review Unit #5 At School (pages 19~22)
2. Preview Unit #6 In Gym Class (pages 23~26)
3. Listen to CD#1, tracks 58~82 repeatedly.
4. 請寫藍色字母練習本上作業,** gym ** class ** ouch ** are ** you ** okay ** think ** so ** sorry ** that **,每個字各寫3遍。
5. Bring your textbook, blue printing notebook, and plastic folder to class on 2008/11/29.
2008/11/22 Saturday—09:45~11:45 GEPT Junior Basic 全民英檢初級入門班
1. Complete the reverse side of the GEPT Review Test (Parts 5, 6, and 7). Bring the completed test to class on 2008/11/29.
2. Complete Unit #9 Toxic Trash (pages 32~34)
i) Listen to the MP3 file for this unit.
ii) Word-process each of the “listening” vocabulary on your electronic template as spelled out by Gillian, the Chinese translator.
iii) In your own words, word-process one sentence using each of the “listening” vocabulary contextually. As always, do not use a dictionary.
iv) Listen to all 11 of the Vocabulary Sentences provided near the end of the unit just before the Listening Comprehension Questions.
v) Word-process any three vocabulary sentences on your electronic template.
vi) E-mail ii) + iii) + v) to winstontaiwan@gmail.com no later than 11:59 p.m. on 2008/11/27.
vii) While listening to the MP3 file, pay attention to Scott and Leah’s conversation and keep in mind the following questions:
1. According to the teacher, what is someone going to do with some paper?
2. Where did the teacher say a great many of his/her friends live?
3. What does the teacher say he/she has to take apart?
4. What does one teacher say might cause the other teacher to get angry?
5. What does the teacher say might be made from old papers?
3. Examine the hidden picture puzzle,
4. You are invited to use your script to follow along Episode 1 – 46 Linden Street. For Act 1, click on the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZGqyCT4WtY For Act 2, click on the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySLhtZJI0kw For Act 3, click on the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrMh7pPLsAA
2008/11/22 Saturday—13:00~15:00 Children’s English 兒童英語進階班
1. Review Unit #3 On the Farm (pages 9~12)
2. Preview Review 1 (pages 13~14)
3. Listen to CD#1, tracks 29~45 repeatedly.
4. 請寫藍色字母練習本上作業,** farm ** quiet ** sorry ** that ** okay ** hello ** how ** fine ** thanks ** pig ** 每個字各寫4遍。
5. Complete the phonics worksheet for Hh: hop, hot, huff, house, hill.
6. Practice Wordlist #1a: nap, tan, set, hill, hand, sand, men, elf, snip, ram.
7. Make your third set of 12 food flash cards (doughnut, drink, drink, fruit, grapes, gum, jelly / jam, juice, ketchup, meat, milk, mustard). Cut out all of the squares. Match, paste or tape the small food pictures on the back of the larger picture squares that have no words.
8. Read/sing the lyrics to Over in the Meadow.
9. Bring your textbook, blue printing notebook, plastic folder, and brown envelope with your 36 food flash cards to class on 2008/11/29.
即日起週六Saturday—13:00~15:00 GEPT Basic 全民英檢基礎入門班
即日起週六Saturday—15:30~17:30 GEPT Junior/Elementary 全民英檢初級入門班 《新班開班》歡迎新的學員加入學英文的行列!即日起報名。
2008/11/22 Saturday—18:00~20:00 GEPT Intermediate High 全民英檢中高級班
1. Complete Test#5 GEPT Rehearsal Test (Part 2
2. Reflect upon the questions that still puzzle you for Test#4 GEPT Rehearsal Test (Part 2 Reading Section). You are welcome to e-mail the questions to winstontaiwan@gmail.com or bring them forward to discuss them during our next class on 2008/11/29.
3. Complete Unit #5 A Mosquito’s Summer Picnic (pages 13~15).
i) Listen to the MP3 file for this unit.
ii) Word-process each “listening” vocabulary on your electronic template as spelled out by Jo, the Chinese translator.
iii) In your own words, word-process one sentence using any eight of the “listening” vocabulary contextually. As always, do not use a dictionary.
iv) E-mail ii) + iii) to winstontaiwan@gmail.com no later than 11:59 p.m. on 2008/11/27.
v) While listening to the MP3 file, pay attention to Nathan and Sarah’s conversation and keep in mind the following questions:
1. What do the teachers say a mosquito drinks?
2. Where are your arms?
3. What do the teachers say is an example of a pest?
4. What do the teachers say “apartments” are called in British English?
5. What do the teachers say “for sure” means?
vi) Complete the Part 2 Communicative Interaction Exercise on page 12. Self-correct the exercise with your MP3 file.
4. Examine the hidden picture puzzle, Ferdinand, Isabella, Columbus. Identify and color the 10 objects embedded in the image. Bring your hidden picture puzzle to the class on 2008/11/29 to discuss your findings. Be prepared to describe the location of each object using appropriate prepositional phrases.
5. Complete Lesson 35 in 504 Absolutely Essential Words. Bring your completed exercise to the next class on 2008/11/22.
6. You are invited to use your script to follow along Episode 1 – 46 Linden Street. For Act 1, click on the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZGqyCT4WtY For Act 2, click on the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySLhtZJI0kw For Act 3, click on the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrMh7pPLsAA
即日起週日Sunday—13:00~15:00 GEPT Senior/Intermediate全民英檢初級班
2008/11/23 Sunday—15:30~17:30 GEPT Junior/Elementary 全民英檢中級入門班
i) Complete the exercises on pages 152~154
2. Complete Unit #27 Life In The Fast Lane: Workplace Pacemaker (pages 155~160).
i) Listen to the MP3 file for this unit.
ii) Word-process each “listening” vocabulary on your electronic template as spelled out by Betty, the Chinese translator.
iii) In your own words, word-process one sentence using any six of the “listening” vocabulary contextually. As always, do not use a dictionary.
iv) E-mail ii) + iii) to winstontaiwan@gmail.com no later than 11:59 p.m. on 2008/11/29.
v) While listening to the MP3 file, pay attention to Scott and Treva’s conversation and keep in mind the following questions:
1. What does the teacher say he might do to distract himself from being sad?
2. What kind of fruit did Betty eat for breakfast?
3 What does the teacher say is a sign that it will rain?
4 What does the teacher say some folders are made of?
5. Why won’t Kimmy eat the meal?
vi) Complete the Reading Comprehension Questions on page 156.
vii) Complete the exercises on pages 159~160.
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