Sunday, December 14, 2008

WLC Homework Assigned on 2008/12/13 & 14

2008/12/13 Saturday—09:45~11:45 Children’s English 兒童英語班

1. Review Units #1 ~ #6 (pages 1~26) and listen to CD#1, tracks 4~82 to help you prepare for a mid-term test for those first six units.

2. Preview Review #2 (pages 27~28). Listen to CD#1, tracks 83~88.

3. Listen to CD#1, tracks 1~88 repeatedly.

4. 請寫藍色字母練習本上作業,** cloud ** hot ** ruler ** boy ** desk ** water ** vase ** milk ** violin ** feet **,每個字各寫3遍。

5. Bring your textbook, blue printing notebook, and plastic folder to class on 2008/12/20.


2008/12/13 Saturday—09:45~11:45 GEPT Junior Basic 全民英檢初級入門班

1. View Episode 4 – A Piece of Cake:

For Act 1, click on the link

For Act 2, click on the link

For Act 3, click on the link

You are welcome to use your script as a reference during the second viewing. Post the answers to any five of the following twelve questions on this blog entry:

01. At the beginning of Act I, how did Marilyn feel when she arrived home?

02. What does Richard do every morning for sixty minutes without stopping?

03. When will the next aerobics class take place?

04. Who is the name of Marilyn’s aerobics instructor?

05. Why was Richard asked to come a little early to his first class?

06. When did Richard have his last complete physical?

07. Name three items needed to cook dinner for the Stewart family.

08. What did Richard do instead of exercising at the aerobics class?

09. How does Richard feel after his first advanced aerobics class?

10. What does the aerobics instructor say about Richard’s health?

11. Who wins the bet?

12. Who will cook dinner for the entire Stewart family?

2. Complete Unit #12 A Cell Phone That Pays (pages 42~45)

i) Listen to the MP3 file for this unit.

ii) Word-process each of the “listening” vocabulary on your electronic template as spelled out by Edie, the Chinese translator.

iii) In your own words, word-process one sentence using any six of the “listening” vocabulary contextually. As always, do not use a dictionary.

iv) Listen to all 15 of the Vocabulary Sentences provided near the end of the unit just before the Listening Comprehension Questions.

v) Word-process any four vocabulary sentences on your electronic template.

vi) E-mail ii) + iii) + v) to no later than 11:59 p.m. on 2008/12/18.

vii) While listening to the MP3 file, pay attention to Scott and Caitlin’s conversation and keep in mind the following questions:

01. When do you hurry?

02. What do the teachers say you do with pockets?

03. Which of these is an example of a mistake?

04. What do you use to close your jacket?

05. Which of the following do the teachers say is a company?

viii) Complete the exercise on page 45.

ix) Complete Writing Exercise #3 on page 90. You are welcome to word-process your exercise and E-mail it to no later than 11:59 p.m. on 2008/12/18.

3. Examine the hidden picture puzzle, Balloon Festival. Identify and color the 41 objects embedded in the image. Bring your hidden picture puzzle to the class on 2008/12/20 to discuss your findings. Be prepared to describe the location of the objects using appropriate prepositional phrases.


2008/12/13 Saturday—13:00~15:00 Children’s English 兒童英語進階班

1. Review Unit #4 At the Stationery Store (pages 15~16) and listen to CD#1, tracks 46~51.

2. Preview Unit #4 At the Stationery Store (pages 17~18) and listen to CD#1 tracks 52~57.

3. Listen to CD#1, tracks 46~57 repeatedly.

4. 請寫藍色字母練習本上作業,** store ** hand ** ladder ** welcome ** quiet ** sorry ** role ** play ** bone ** rung ** 每個字各寫4遍。

5. Complete the phonics worksheet for Dd: drum, band, dog, sad, puddle.

6. Make your sixth set of 12 food flash cards (pear, peas, pepper, potato, poultry, pumpkin, salt, salt and pepper, sandwich, strawberry, sugar, taco). Cut out all of the squares. Match, paste or tape the small food pictures on the back of the larger picture squares that have no words.

7. Look at the picture with the two children and the two dogs. Color it and bring it back to the next class on 2008/12/27.

8. Look at the hidden picture puzzle. Find and color the letter “D”, 4 ducks, 3 darts, 2 dragons, 2 dresses, and 1 dragonfly. Bring your hidden picture puzzle to the next class on 2008/12/27 to talk about what you did.

9. Color the “Santa Claus in a Box” picture using the correct coloring instructions. Bring it back to class on 2008/12/20.

10. Bring your textbook, blue printing notebook, plastic folder, and brown envelope with your 72 food flash cards to class on 2008/12/20.


即日起週六Saturday—13:00~15:00 GEPT Basic 全民英檢基礎入門班


即日起週六Saturday—15:30~17:30 GEPT Junior/Elementary 全民英檢初級入門班 《新班開班》歡迎新的學員加入學英文的行列!即日起報名。

2008/12/13 Saturday—18:00~20:00 GEPT Intermediate High 全民英檢中高級班

1. Complete Test#7 GEPT Rehearsal Test (Part 2 Reading Section). Please record your responses (A, B, C, D) on your test paper. The correct answers will be provided on 2008/12/20.

2. View Episode 2 – The Blind Date:

For Act 1, click on the link

For Act 2, click on the link

For Act 3, click on the link

You are welcome to use your script as a reference during the second viewing. Post the answers to any six of the following twelve questions on this blog entry:

01. What food was the vendor selling?

02. Why was Harry late for his date with Susan?

03. Why did Harry leave the restaurant after he received a phone call?

04. Who used a payphone to make a phone call?

05. Who is Michelle?

06. How old is Michelle?

07. Why is Marilyn staying overnight at Susan’s apartment?

08. What important event happened to Harry two years ago?

09. How often does Susan have dates?

10. Who knocked on Susan’s door in Act III?

11. What was the significance of a bonsai tree?

12. What funny or embarrassing happened at the end of Act III?

3. Complete Unit #8 Flowers For Mother’s Day (pages 22~23).

i) Listen to the MP3 file for this unit.

ii) Word-process each “listening” vocabulary on your electronic template as spelled out by Grace, the Chinese translator.

iii) In your own words, word-process three sentences using each of the “listening” vocabulary contextually. As always, do not use a dictionary. Write the first sentence, then directly below, re-write it again a second time using a different style but retaining the original meaning of the first sentence. Re-write the sentence for a third time using a different style but retaining the original meaning of the first sentence. Now you will have three sentences with a different grammatical structure, but all of them will have a similar meaning. The objective here is to expand your repertoire of writing styles. For example, if the “listening” vocabulary is “goal”, you will write three sentences using the word “goal”. See the sentence variations below:

My goal is to improve my English skills.

Improving my English skills is my goal.

To improve my English skills is my goal.

iv) E-mail ii) + iii) to no later than 11:59 p.m. on 2008/12/20.

v) While listening to the MP3 file, pay attention to Liam and Lea’s conversation and keep in mind the following questions:

01. Why was a party held for Frank?

02. For whom does the teacher feel respect?

03. What does the teacher say she wants to expand?

04. What does the teacher organize?

05. Who is deceased in the teacher's family?

06. What did the teacher say she was too tired to do?

07. What did the teacher incorporate into his Chinese vocabulary?

vi) Complete the exercise on the bottom of page 23.

vii) Using your MP3 file, listen to the passage repeatedly and read aloud the passage repeatedly until you master your recitation with perfect pronunciation and perfect fluency. You will recite the passage in class on 2008/12/20. Your recitation will be recorded and analyzed. Practice! Practice! Practice!

4. Examine the hidden picture puzzle, Balloon Festival. Identify and color the 41 objects embedded in the image. Bring your hidden picture puzzle to the class on 2008/12/20 to discuss your findings. Be prepared to describe the location of the objects using appropriate prepositional phrases.

5. Complete Word Review #6 in 504 Absolutely Essential Words. Do not complete the exercise requested in Part F. Bring your completed exercise to the next class on 2008/12/20.


即日起週日Sunday—13:00~15:00 GEPT Senior/Intermediate全民英檢初級班


2008/12/14 Sunday—15:30~17:30 GEPT Junior/Elementary 全民英檢中級入門班

1. View Episode 1 – 46 Linden Street:

For Act 1, click on the link

For Act 2, click on the link

For Act 3, click on the link

You are welcome to use your script as a reference during the second viewing. Post the answers to any three of the following five questions on this blog entry:

01. What is the name of Philip’s wife?

02. In which city is this story is taking place?

03. Who rang the doorbell at the Stewart residence?

04. What country does Alexandra come from?

05. Who answered the door when the doorbell rang?

2. Complete Unit #28 Shopping On Kinmen: Tribute Candy (pages 161~165).

i) Listen to the MP3 file for this unit.

ii) Word-process each “listening” vocabulary on your electronic template as spelled out by Daisy, the Chinese translator.

iii) In your own words, word-process one sentence using any seven of the “listening” vocabulary contextually. As always, do not use a dictionary.

iv) E-mail ii) + iii) to no later than 11:59 p.m. on 2008/12/20.

v) While listening to the MP3 file, pay attention to Sean and Treva’s conversation and keep in mind the following questions:

01. What war does the teacher talk about?

02. What treasure does the teacher not talk about?

03. What ground thing does the teacher talk about?

04. What does the teacher put sugar in?

05. What does the teacher say are crunchy?

vi) Complete the Reading Comprehension Questions on page 162.

vii) Complete the exercises on pages 164~165.

viii) On the paper provided in class, look at the three images and write a story about Mike. Be sure to write at least 50 words. Bring the written exercise to class on 2008/12/21 or e-mail your exercise to

ix) On the paper provided in class, look at the three images and write a story about Tom. Be sure to write at least 50 words. Bring the written exercise to class on 2008/12/21 or e-mail your exercise to

3. Examine the hidden picture puzzle, A Spectacular Show. Identify and color the 16 objects embedded in the image. Bring your hidden picture puzzle to the class on 2008/12/21 to discuss your findings. Be prepared to describe the location of the objects using appropriate prepositional phrases. 請詳細閱讀作業內容,每次都有不同,並請依作業指示填寫作業,謝謝!

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