2009/02/28 Saturday—09:45~11:45 Children’s English 兒童英語班
1. Review Unit #9 At the Circus (page 37) with CD#2, tracks 28~30
2. Preview Unit #9 At the Circus (pages 38~40) with CD#2, tracks 31~40.
3. Listen to CD#2 tracks 2~40 repeatedly.
4. 請寫藍色字母練習本上作業,** wag ** man ** bad ** pat ** tag ** dad ** sad ** boat ** cookie ** bat **,每個字各寫3遍。
5. Color and complete the phonics worksheet for Aa: ants, cap, apple, jam, hat. Bring it back to the next class on 2009/03/07.
6. Look at the picture with the three children forming the letter “A”. Two of the children are holding an apple. Color it and bring it back to the next class on 2009/03/07.
7. Bring your textbook, blue printing notebook, and plastic folder to class on 2008/03/07.

2009/02/28 Saturday—09:45~11:45 GEPT Junior Basic 全民英檢初級班
1. View Episode 12 – You’re Tops
For Act 1, click on the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRiKwYXIpqk
For Act 2, click on the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZvwRV0vKrE
For Act 3, click on the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoMDJ-Onx68
We will discuss the answers to the following twelve questions on 2009/03/07.
01. What is Grandpa’s problem?
02. Where are Harry and Michelle?
03. Why are Susan and Grandpa alone in the house?
04. What does Sam offer to do for Susan?
05. Who is John Marchetta?
06. Why did Grandpa retire?
07. Approximately how many years did Grandpa own a construction business?
08. What did Mr. Marchetta say about Cami?
09. What information was mentioned about the Spaceport project?
10. Who does Grandpa meet at the construction site?
11. After looking at the building plans, what does Grandpa suggest?
12. What does Grandpa ask Susan to do with him the following evening?
2. Complete Unit #18 Global Warming And The Health Of Our Planet (pages 69~72)
i) Listen to the MP3 file for this unit.
ii) Word-process each of the “listening” vocabulary on your electronic template as spelled out by Frances, the Chinese translator.
iii) In your own words, word-process one sentence using any six of the “listening” vocabulary contextually. As always, do not use a dictionary.
iv) Listen to all 14 of the “vocabulary sentences” provided near the end of the unit just before the Listening Comprehension Questions.
v) Word-process any three “vocabulary sentences” on your electronic template.
vi) E-mail ii) + iii) + v) to winstontaiwan@gmail.com no later than 11:59 p.m. on 2009/03/05.
vii) While listening to the MP3 file, pay attention to David and Jody’s conversation and keep in mind the following questions:
01. Which planet does the teacher not mention?
02. What does the teacher not mention as something that people pick up?
03. What does the teacher say probably cost less than NT$50.
04. Which country does the teacher say has a warmer climate than Canada?
05 What does the teacher say gives off a strange smell?
viii) Complete the exercise on page 68 (Unit 17).
3. Examine the hidden picture puzzle, Sailing the Santa Maria. Identify and color the 17 objects embedded in the image. Bring your hidden picture puzzle to the class on 2009/03/07 to discuss your findings. Be prepared to describe the location of the objects using appropriate prepositional phrases.
2009/02/28 Saturday—13:00~15:00 Children’s English 兒童英語進階班
1. Review Unit #7 At the Food Court (pages 29~30) and listen to CD#2, tracks 2~7.
2. Preview Unit #7 At the Food Court (pages 31~32) and listen to CD#2, tracks 8~14.
3. Listen to CD#2, (tracks 2~14) repeatedly.
4. 請寫藍色字母練習本上作業,** hurry ** you ** not ** pizza ** sushi ** noodles ** rice ** dumplings ** fried ** hamburgers ** 每個字各寫4遍。
5. Look at the picture with the two children each holding a pear. The children are making the letter “P”. Color it and bring it back to the next class on 2009/03/07.
6. Look at the hidden picture puzzle. Find and color the letter “P”, 5 parrots, 3 pencils, 2 penguins, 2 pears, 2 pies, and 1 pig’s head. Bring your hidden picture puzzle to the next class on 2009/03/07 to talk about what you did.
7. Bring your textbook, blue printing notebook, and plastic folder, to class on 2009/03/07.

即日起週六Saturday—13:00~15:00 Children’s English 兒童英語入門班
即日起週六Saturday—15:30~17:30 GEPT Basic 全民英檢基礎入門班
即日起週六Saturday—15:30~17:30 GEPT Junior/Elementary 全民英檢初級入門班 《新班開班》歡迎新的學員加入學英文的行列!即日起報名。
2009/02/28 Saturday—18:00~20:00 GEPT Advanced Intermediate 全民英檢中級進階班
1. Complete Test#9 GEPT Rehearsal Test (Part 2 Reading Section). Please record your responses (A, B, C, D) on your test paper as well as the answer sheet.
2. View Episode 12 – You’re Tops
For Act 1, click on the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRiKwYXIpqk
For Act 2, click on the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZvwRV0vKrE
For Act 3, click on the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoMDJ-Onx68
We will discuss the answers to the following twelve questions on 2009/03/07.
01. What is Grandpa’s problem?
02. Where are Harry and Michelle?
03. Why are Susan and Grandpa alone in the house?
04. What does Sam offer to do for Susan?
05. Who is John Marchetta?
06. Why did Grandpa retire?
07. Approximately how many years did Grandpa own a construction business?
08. What did Mr. Marchetta say about Cami?
09. What information was mentioned about the Spaceport project?
10. Who does Grandpa meet at the construction site?
11. After looking at the building plans, what does Grandpa suggest?
12. What does Grandpa ask Susan to do with him the following evening?
3. Complete Unit #1 Danger in the Driver’s Seat (pages 1~2).
i) Listen to the MP3 file for this unit.
ii) Word-process each “listening” vocabulary on your electronic template as spelled out by Grace, the Chinese translator.
iii) In your own words, word-process one sentence using any five of the “listening” vocabulary contextually. As always, do not use a dictionary.
iv) E-mail ii) + iii) to winstontaiwan@gmail.com no later than 11:59 p.m. on 2009/03/05.
v) While listening to the MP3 file, pay attention to Richard and Jody’s conversation and keep in mind the following questions:
01. What does the teacher tell us to get a load of?
02. What does the teacher mention that is metallic?
03. What really small speakers does the teacher talk about?
04. What does the teacher say is illegal?
05. What causes a distraction while the teacher is studying?
4. Examine the hidden picture puzzle, Merry Mice. Identify and color the 13 objects embedded in the image. Bring your hidden picture puzzle to the class on 2009/03/07 to discuss your findings. Be prepared to describe the location of the objects using appropriate prepositional phrases.
5. Complete Lesson #42 in 504 Absolutely Essential Words. Bring your completed exercise to the next class on 2009/03/07.
6. Please bring both magazines (#33 and #39) on 2009/03/07.
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