1. View Family Album Episode 26 — Opening Night:
i) For Act I, please click on the link below:
ii) For Act II, please click on the link below:
iii) For Act III, please click on the link below:
iv) Watch this episode enough times so that you become familiar enough with the plot such that you would be able to discuss the story. Below are twelve questions to help you view this episode for a purpose:
01. What did Richard say he and Marilyn would like to do with the money from the book sales?
02. How does Richard feel about autographing his books for guests at the book exhibition?
03. How many guests did Richard invite to his book exhibition?
04. What did Richard ask the intern?
05. What does Mr. Carlson have on his office desk?
06. What is Richard afraid of?
07. At what time will Richard be able to read Mitchell Johnson’s review?
08. What did Mr. Carlson hand to Richard?
09. Who did Richard thank when he addressed the audience at his book exhibition?
10. Who is John O’Neill?
11. What did John O’Neill offer Richard?
12. Why didn’t Richard accept the offer made by John O’Neill?
2. While listening to the MP3 file for Unit #14 Earthquakes: Why They Happen, pay attention to Nathan and Treva’s conversation and keep in mind the following questions:
01. What do the teachers use as an example of something that's "below" another thing?
02. What do the teachers say about bread crusts?
03. How many pieces does the teacher say he/she can divide a cake into?
04. What do the teachers say is the "effect" of not studying for an exam?
05. What country do the teachers mention at the end?
Give yourself a spelling dictation quiz of the vocabulary list on page 76. Press the link below:
Selected Submitted Homework
One day, Billy got stung by a bee. At that time he was drinking sweet drink. After Billy’s nose was reddening and swelling. So he felt painful and started to cry. Then his mother used some honey on his bite area, because it can help to relieve symptoms of pain and swelling. (52)
One day, Billy got stung by a bee. At that time he was drinking a glass of sweet orange juice. Afterwards, Billy’s mouth was reddening and swelling. He started to cry when it became painful. Later, his mother put some honey on the bite area to help relieve the pain and swelling. Finally, Billy felt better. (56)
2009-10-07 L&R—C1, Composition#5, W
One day, Billy was drinking a glass of water. Suddenly a big bee is standing on the cup and it is going to sang him. Later the bee stings Billy lips, he felt so hurt and cry. After he’s mom put some honey on his lips. And he feels better now. (51)
One day, Billy was drinking a glass of water. Suddenly, a big bee landed on the edge of Billy’s glass. Soon after, the bee stung Billy on his lip. He felt very hurt and started to cry. Later, his mom put some honey on his lips. Billy feels better now. (50)
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