1. Preview Unit #2 At the Supermarket (page 5) using CD#1 tracks 15~17.
2. Preview Unit #2 At the Supermarket (pages 6~8) using CD#1 tracks 18~25.
3. Listen to CD#1 tracks 2~25 repeatedly.
4. 請寫藍色字母練習本上作業,** minute ** thirteen ** reading ** drawing ** eating ** favorite ** live ** nice ** sandwich ** late ** 每個字各寫四遍。Prepare for a spelling dictation quiz for all of the ten words above on 2010/04/03.
5. Prepare for a spelling dictation quiz for 2~3 Letter Word List #4 and #4a: up, let, rod, hop, cot, mud, bed, lid, bit, bat, run, bad, get, jog, bug, met, lit, pot, us, bet. Get out your pencil and paper. Give yourself a rehearsal test. Test yourself as often as possible so that you will get a perfect score on 2010/04/10. Press the link below to play the video.
6. Bring your textbook, blue printing notebook, homework, and plastic folder to class on 2010/04/03.