Friday, August 29, 2008

1600元 能做什麼? 保證你的英文在潛移默化中進步!

由國立高雄師大全民英檢專業教師訓練合格,博士候選人Richard老師 & 留美碩士林老師兩人以E英語學習理念,採數位化PowerPoint上課方式,結合圖像記憶、人文引導等教學原理,規劃全方位學習課程,讓語文學習過程更有趣、語文運用更有效,進而達到輕鬆學習英文的理想。
  每期3200元(上課8次,16小時),平均每個月 僅1600元,就能讓你學習英文輕鬆又自在。

上午9:45 ~ 11:45
全民英檢基礎班 對象:上班族(想增進英語口說能力)、國小六年級或國中一年級

上午9:45 ~ 11:45

全民英檢初級 及 基礎入門班 對象:想準備GEPT初級考試的上班族或國小六年級或國中一年級學生

全民英檢初級班 對象:上班族、想通過全民英檢初級考試的各級學生

全民英檢中高級班 對象:英文教師、外商公司或銀行上班族、已通過GEPT中級考試的各級學生(外師全英文授課)

以專業全民英檢教科書為授課教材、結合來自加拿大ESL語言教學遊戲活動、加上兩位任教於大專院校中外籍講師工作多年授課經驗,讓你於歡樂中潛移默化,增進你的英文能力。 現在你有機會,參與他們活潑生動的英語課程。

歡迎預約 免費試聽一次!

本班的特色:★小班制 或 一對一個別指導(學費另計)。




有意上課者:請與 林 老師連絡 04-2230-2130 or

有效提高個人競爭力,並免除M型社會困境的良方à就是增強外語能力,尤其是國際間最強勢語言 英語 English




經國立高雄師大全民英檢專業教師訓練合格,博士級Richard老師 & 留美碩士林老師兩人堅持E英語學習理念,採數位化PowerPoint上課方式,結合圖像記憶、人文引導等教學原理,規劃全方位學習課程,讓語文學習過程更有趣、語文運用更有效,進而達到輕鬆學習英文的理想。
  迎向e世代的來臨,特別以專業全民英檢教科書為授課教材、結合來自加拿大ESL語言教學遊戲活動、加上兩位任教於大專院校中外籍講師工作多年授課經驗,讓你於歡樂中潛移默化,增進你的英文能力。 現在你有機會可以參與他們活潑生動的英語課程。

英語聽講與GEPT基礎、GEPT初級、GEPT中級、GEPT中高級家教班 開課囉! 歡迎預約 免費試聽一次!

本班的特色:★小班制 或 一對一個別指導。 ★另有兒童英語課程,英文基礎從小學起。




上課地點:台中市北屯區三光北二街 ( 近三光國中,三光一街與三光北二街交叉口 )

有意上課者:請與 林 老師連絡 04-2230-2130 or

Sunday, August 24, 2008

WLC Homework Assigned on 2008/08/23

2008/08/23 Saturday—09:45~11:45 Children’s English 兒童英語班

1. Review Unit #3 On the Farm (page 9)

2. Preview Unit #3 On the Farm (pages 10~12)

3. Play and listen to CD#1, tracks 4~40 repeatedly.

4. Practice reading aloud the food flash cards from your brown envelope. Bring them back to class on 2008/08/30.

5. Bring your textbook, blue printing notebook, brown envelope with your food flash cards, and plastic folder to class on 2008/08/30.

2008/08/23 Saturday—09:45~11:45 GEPT Basic 全民英檢基礎班

1. Complete Exercise #5 (pages 102~110)

i) Listen to the MP3 file for the Part I & II Listening Exercises (pages 102~103)

ii) Complete the Part III Reading Exercise –Vocabulary and Grammar (pages 104~106)

iii) Do not complete the Part IV Communicative Interaction Response Exercises (pages 106~107). We completed this on 2008/08/23.

iv) Complete the Part V, VI, VII Writing Exercises (pages 108~110).

v) Complete the Part IX Composition Exercise (page 110).

2. Word-process a 50~70 word expository (composition) about something you did during this summer vacation, which you will always remember. E-mail to no later than 11:59 p.m. on 2008/08/28.

3. Examine the hidden picture, Brushing Buddies. Identify and color the 12 objects embedded in the image. Word-process the names of each of the 12 objects on your electronic template. Word-process a prepositional phrase that describes the location of any 4 of the 12 objects. E-mail your completed form to no later than 11:59 p.m. on 2008/08/28. Bring your hidden picture to the class on 2008/08/30 to discuss your findings. 請詳細閱讀作業內容,每次都有不同,並請依作業指示在新的作業表格填寫作業,謝謝!

2008/09/06 Saturday—13:00~15:00 GEPT Basic 全民英檢基礎入門班


2008/09/06 Saturday—13:00~15:00 GEPT Junior 全民英檢初級入門班


2008/08/23 Saturday—15:15~17:15 GEPT Junior/Elementary 全民英檢初級班

1. Complete Unit #24 Taiwan’s National Parks 6: Kinmen (pages 135~140).

i) Listen to the MP3 file for this unit.

ii) Word-process each “listening” vocabulary on your electronic template as spelled out by Daisy, the Chinese translator.

iii) In your own words, word-process two sentences using each of the “listening” vocabulary contextually. As always, do not use a dictionary.

iv) E-mail to no later than 11:59 p.m. on 2008/08/28.

v) While listening to the MP3 file, pay attention to Martin and Treva’s conversation and keep in mind the following questions:

1. How many oranges does the teacher say she has?

2. What attraction in Taipei do the teachers talk about?

3. When does the teacher say she is going to Texas?

4. What kind of military does the teacher talk about?

5. What does the teacher say the garden is rich in?

vi) Complete the Reading Comprehension Questions on page 136.

vii) Complete the exercises on pages 139~140.

2. Word-process a 60~80 word expository (composition) about something you did during this summer vacation, which you will always remember. E-mail to no later than 11:59 p.m. on 2008/08/28. 請詳細閱讀作業內容,每次都有不同,並請依作業指示在新的作業表格填寫作業,謝謝!

2008/08/23 Saturday—18:00~20:00 GEPT Intermediate High 全民英檢中高級班

1. Complete Unit #15 A Trip To The Moon (pages 71~73).

i) Listen to the MP3 file for this unit.

ii) Word-process each “listening” vocabulary on your electronic template as spelled out by Moon, the Chinese translator.

iii) In your own words, word-process one sentence using all of the “listening” vocabulary contextually. As always, do not use a dictionary.

iv) E-mail to no later than 11:59 p.m. on 2008/08/28.

v) While listening to the MP3 file, pay attention to Regan and Karen’s conversation and keep in mind the following questions:

1. When did the teacher’s mother pop in and out of the teacher’s room?

2. Where was the teacher a passenger?

3. What did the teacher say about baseball players in the American Major Leagues?

4. What did the teacher say she cannot afford?

5. When did the teacher feel a thrill?

vi) Complete the Listening Comprehension Questions on page 72 and self-correct the exercise with the MP3 file.

2. Complete Exercise #3 in the back of the textbook (pages 21~30). Use your MP3 CD for pages 25~30. Play the CD only once. We will correct your responses on 2008/08/30.

3. Word-process a 100~150 word expository (composition) about something you did during this summer vacation, which you will always remember. E-mail to no later than 11:59 p.m. on 2008/08/28.

4. Examine the hidden picture, Brushing Buddies. Identify and color the 12 objects embedded in the image. Word-process the names of each of the 12 objects on your electronic template. Word-process a prepositional phrase that describes the location of any 5 of the 12 objects. E-mail your completed form to no later than 11:59 p.m. on 2008/08/28. Bring your hidden picture to the class on 2008/08/30 to discuss your findings.

5. Complete Lesson #30 in 504 Absolutely Essential Words. Bring your completed exercise to the next class on 2008/08/30.

6. As always, bring the handout entitled English Problematic Sounds and Contrasts to each class in case we have extra time to use the exercises.
