Sunday, October 28, 2007

WLC Homework Assigned on 2007/10/27

2007/10/27 Saturday—09:45 ~ 11:45 Children’s English 兒童英語班
1) Review Unit #3 Occupations (pages 12, 13, and 14).
i) Play and listen to CD (Unit #3) repeatedly.
2) Preview pages 15 (Unit 3) and 16 & 17 (Review 1).
i) Play and listen to CD (Review #1) repeatedly.
3) Complete the exercise in the blue writing notebook.
4) Bring your textbook and blue no tebook to class.

2007/10/27 Saturday—09:45 ~ 11:45 GEPT Basic 英檢基礎班
1) Complete Unit #6 A Pet Rat.
i) Listen to the MP3 file for this unit.
ii) Listen to the recitation of the passage sentence by sentence and read aloud with Liam and Cylinda, the foreign teachers. Repeat this as often as possible. Your recitation will be digitally recorded. Richard will analyze your pronunciation and fluency and he will report the results on 2007/11/10.
iii) Word-process your list of “listening” vocabulary on your electronic template as spelled out by Julia, the Chinese translator.
iv) In your own words, word-process one sentence using each “listening” vocabulary contextually.
v) E-mail to by 2007/11/01.
vi) While listening to the MP3 file, pay attention to Liam and Cylinda’s conversation and keep in mind the following questions:
1. What is one animal the teachers say can be a pet?
2. What is a rabbit very good at doing?
3. What sport does the teacher say they play?
4. Who likes belly rubs too?
5. What do the teachers want to go eat?

2007/10/27 Saturday—13:00 ~ 15:00 GEPT Senior/Intermediate
1) Congratulations to Sherri, Jacky, and James for successfully passing the GEPT!
2) On 2007/10/27, we gave you a CD containing your digital portfolio. This CD contains all of your electronically submitted writing homework (with our corrections and revisions to your original work) as well as your voice files with an analysis of your pronunciation and fluency. The CD also contains the writing homework submitted by your classmates. Please put the CD in your computer and familiarize yourself with the folders and files contained within. Review not only your own compositions and sentences, but also those of your classmates. Through the efforts of your classmates, you now have a data bank consisting of vast variety of grammatically correct sentences. Try to practice these sentence patterns. If you did not get your digital portfolio CD, be sure to ask for it next Saturday.
3) Study all of the vocabulary from Units 1 to 18 inclusive. There will be a GEPT rehearsal test on 2007/11/03. You can expect about 100 questions.
4) We provided you with a new magazine. Please complete Unit #1 Danger In The Driver’s Seat.
i) Listen to the MP3 file for this unit.
ii) Word-process your list of “listening” vocabulary on your electronic template as spelled out by Grace, the Chinese translator.
iii) In your own words, word-process one sentence using each “listening” vocabulary contextually.
iv) E-mail to by 2007/11/01.
v) While listening to the MP3 file, pay attention to Richard and Jody’s conversation and keep in mind the following questions:
1. What does Richard tell us to get a load of?
2. What does Jody mention that is metallic?
3. What really small speakers does Jody talk about?
4. What does Richard say is illegal?
5. What causes a distraction for students while studying?
vi) Do not complete the Communicative Communication exercise on page 3.
5) Compose a story on the paper containing the comic strip, which was provided in class on 2007/10/20. Bring this assignment to class on 2007/11/10.

2007/10/27 Saturday—15:15 ~ 17:15 GEPT Junior/Elementary
1) Complete Unit # 5 Babe Ruth.
i) Listen to the MP3 file for this unit.
ii) Word-process your list of “listening” vocabulary on your electronic template as spelled out by Frances, the Chinese translator.
iii) In your own words, word-process one sentence using each “listening” vocabulary contextually.
iv) E-mail to by 2007/11/01.
v) While listening to the MP3 file, pay attention to Nathan and Patricia’s conversation and keep in mind the following questions:
1. How far does the teacher talk about running?
2. What is broken every time a new one is set?
3. How many games are in the World Series?
4. What was sold to the teacher?
5. What sport does Patricia play?
vi) In your textbook, complete the exercises on pages 23, 28, and 29.
2. On the paper provided in class on 2007/10/17, look at the three images and write a story about Jimmy’s winter vacation. Be sure to write at least 50 words. Bring your paper to class on 2007/11/03.
3) Examine the Hidden Picture, “Good Witches Make Cookies” Identify and color the 16 objects imbedded in the image. Write the list of items that you identified on the back of the hidden picture or on a separate piece of paper. Bring your Hidden Picture and list to class on 2007/11/03. The skill we are developing here is accessing and recalling vocabulary strictly by images without verbal or written cues and comparing different names for similar objects, ie. “mug” vs. “cup” and “ladle vs. “big spoon”.

2007/10/27 Saturday—17:30 ~ 19:30 GEPT Intermediate High
1) Complete Unit #19 San Domingo Fort in Tamsui
i) Listen to the MP3 file for this unit.
ii) Word-process your list of “listening” vocabulary on your electronic template as spelled out by Frances, the Chinese translator.
iii) In your own words, contextually word-process three sentences using each “listening” vocabulary contextually. Write the first sentence, then directly below it re-write twice using a different style but retaining the original meaning of the first sentence. The intention here is to expand your repertoire of writing styles. For example, the “listening” vocabulary is “goal”. You will now write three sentences using the word “goal”. See the three sentence variations below:
A. My goal is to improve my English skills.
B. Improving my English skills is my goal.
C. To improve my English skills is my goal.
iv) E-mail to by 2007/11/01.
v) While listening to the MP3 file, pay attention to Regan and Dana’s conversation and keep in mind the following questions:
1. What country does the teacher say has no coastline?
2. What place does the teacher say is scenic?
3. Why does the teacher say that Friday is a significant day?
4. In the example, what does the teacher say is occupied?
5. What place does the teacher say was once a colony of Britain?
vi) In your textbook, complete the exercises on pages 120, 121, and 123.
vii) Complete the translation exercise on page 124.
2) Compose a story on the paper containing the comic strip, which was provided in class on 2007/10/20. Bring this assignment to class on 2007/11/03.
3) Examine the Hidden Picture, “Mr. Scarecrow and His Friends” Identify and color the 13 objects imbedded in the image. Write the list of items that you identified on the back of the hidden picture or on a separate piece of paper. Bring your Hidden Picture and list to class on 2007/11/03. The skill we are developing here is accessing and recalling vocabulary strictly by images without verbal or written cues and comparing different names for similar objects, ie. “mug” vs. “cup” and “ladle vs. “big spoon”.

Monday, October 22, 2007

WLC Homework Assigned on 2007/10/20

09:45 ~ 11:45 GEPT Basic
1) Complete Unit #5 Slumber Party
i) Listen to MP3
ii) Word-process the list of “listening” vocabulary spelled out by the Chinese translator on your electronic template.
iii) Word-process one sentence in your own words using each “listening” vocabulary.
iv) E-mail to
v) While listening to the MP3 pay attention to the conversation of the foreign teachers and take note the following questions:
1. What is the teacher’s favorite kind of cake?
2. When did the teacher say that you should say “Thank you”?
3. In the example, who gives a speech?
4. What kind of food eating contest did the teacher talk about?
5. In the example, what does your mother say in the morning?

2) Practice reading the passage from Unit #6 A Pet Rat. Your recitation will be recorded on 2007/11/03. Pay attention to pronunciation and fluency.

09:45 ~ 11:45兒童英語班
☆複習Magic Time Book 2 Unit 3。預習Magic Time Book 2 Review 1。
☆請寫藍色字母練習本上作業,doctor firefighter teacher pilot vet student write erase help point,每個單字各寫2遍。

13:00 ~ 15:00 GEPT Senior/Intermediate
1) Complete Units # 16 ~ #18
i) Listen to MP3
ii) On the answer sheet provided in class, write the list of “listening” vocabulary spelled out by the Chinese translator.
iii) While you’re listening to the three units, pay attention to the conversation of the foreign teachers and take note of the five “listening” questions for each unit. You will answer those 15 questions on a multiple choice test on 2007/10/27. Bring the completed answer sheet to class on 2007/10/27.
iv) Prepare for Review Test #3 based on Units #13 ~ #18 by studying the vocabulary from those units.
2) Compete composition exercise of the comic strip provided. Write on the paper provided in class on 2007/10/20. Bring this assignment on 2007/11/03.

17:30 ~ 19:30 GEPT Intermediate High
1) Complete Unit #18 Endangered Species: In The Water
i) Listen to MP3
ii) Word-process the list of “listening” vocabulary spelled out by the Chinese translator on your electronic template. There are approximately 16 words.
iii) Choose any 10 words from your list and word-process two sentences for each your ten chosen “listening” vocabulary. Write one sentence, then directly below it re-write it using a different style but retaining the original meaning of the first sentence. The intention here is to expand your repertoire of writing styles. For example:
A. My aim is to improve my English.
B. Improving my English is my aim.
iv) E-mail to
v) While listening to the MP3 pay attention to the conversation of the foreign teachers and take note the following questions:
1. What example does the teacher give for the word “extremely”?
2. What did the teacher say caused an “ecological disaster”?
3. What did the teacher give as an example for “confine”?
4. Of what did the teacher say he ate the “entire” thing?
5. Where did the teacher say he went “on his own”?
vi) Compete textbook exercises on pages 113, 115, and 117.
vii) Complete translation exercise on page 118.2) Examine the Hidden Picture: “The Bagel, Pretzel Bakery” Identify and color or shade in the 20 objects imbedded in the image. Write the list of items that you identified. Bring your Hidden Picture and list to class on 2007/10/27. The skill we are developing here is recalling vocabulary strictly by images without verbal or written cues and comparing different names for similar objects, ie. “mug” vs. “cup” or “ladle vs. “big spoon”.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

2008年 Prince George 親子旅遊計劃

2008年 Prince George 親子旅遊
加拿大BC省北部省會的喬治王子市(Prince George), 那是一個充滿人情味及秀麗風光的城市,由於只有少數的中國人,台灣人更少,你能體會的是100%加拿大的生活方式,享受洛磯山的”美”,國家公園的”濶”,野生動物的”真”,絶非居住眾多華人的溫哥華所能比擬。

從溫哥華到Prince George的國內航線,你可以看到洛磯山終年不化的冰山景觀。Prince George有一個特殊之處,在天氣晴朗無雲的日子,有時候你可以看到北極光在夜空中飛舞,一明一暗的很是壯觀。

安排學員到當地的UNBC大學、College of New Caledonia學院、Canadian College of Oriental Medicine漢醫學院與BC省第五十七學區教育局轄下中小學參觀,讓學員了解加拿大的學制與生活,給有興趣移民或投資加拿大的學員或是未來想留學加拿大的學員參考。

當地的博物館擁有百萬年前的恐龍化石,讓你搜索恐龍的秘密檔案。巴克維爾(Barkerville) 淘金之旅,你可以洗砂金,體驗早期中國人到加拿大的奮鬥情懷。在美麗的室內溫水游泳池游泳,享受特殊的人工造浪及室內運動器材,挑戰你的體能。附近寧靜的公園能讓你感受到人類與大自然是如此的親近。

由加拿大籍Richard & Grace老師親自帶領所有的學員到他們的原居地Prince George市,享受加拿大輕鬆生活、語言與風俗習慣,絶對是英語進步、建立國際觀的最佳的方式。

10月13日 家教作業

☆研習聽力與閱讀實用讀本” 基礎級下冊Unit 4,並請抽空聆聽MP3課文解說,記下單元中的中籍教師拼出的補充單字。把補充單字依順序填寫在電腦表格上,並以補充單字造句。也請同學把外籍教師所造的單字例句寫在表格中,在每週四前傳過來,交給Richard老師批改。
☆背聽力與閱讀實用讀本” 基礎級下冊Unit 4單字表中的單字,會以聽力測驗方式考拼字,請準備!
☆附上Unit 4課文內容解說教學測驗,10/20上課時會以相似試題直接測驗同學,請先準備!
Unit 4課文講解內容教學測驗
1. What kind of fish is Koi?
2. What kind of jewels did the teachers not talk about?
3. What can you call a man who is good-looking?
4. What is another word for ‘a cap’?
5. What country do the teachers say use 'dollars' as money?
☆請同學研習“ The Little Mouse ”三格圖,週六課堂上看圖說故事(要錄音)。
☆請同學抽空練習唸Unit 6課文,等我們上到那一課時要做錄音,讓Richard老師評量同學的發音,請預先準備。

☆複習Magic Time Book 2 Unit 2。預習Magic Time Book 2 Unit 3。
☆請寫藍色字母練習本上作業,cake cat car dentist dinosaur donut C c D d,每個單字、字母各寫2遍。

研習專業全民英檢中級月刊Unit 14 & 15,並請把補充單字依順序填寫在Richard老師發的講義中,完成Page 42 & 45練習題。(no token)

☆研習閱讀與寫作實用讀本”Book D Unit 17。並請抽空聆聽MP3課文解說,記下單元中的中籍教師拼出的補充單字(課本上標示的單字不計)。把補充單字依順序填寫在電腦表格上,並把補充單字各造一個句子(1個補充單字1個token、每個正確造句2個tokens)在每週四前傳過來,交給Richard老師批改。
☆背閱讀與寫作實用讀本” Book D Unit 17課本上單字表中的單字,會以聽力測驗方式考拼字,請準備!
☆完成閱讀與寫作實用讀本” Book D Exercise 3所有練習題,帶回答案紙。
☆找出Hidden Picture所有東西,並列出所有的名稱。
☆研習聽力與閱讀實用讀本”初級上冊Unit 4。並請抽空聆聽MP3課文解說,記下單元中的中籍教師拼出的補充單字。把補充單字依順序填寫在電腦表格上,並以補充單字造句(1個補充單字1個token、每個造句2個tokens),在每週日前傳過來,交給Richard老師批改,以增進你的寫作能力,加油!
☆背聽力與閱讀實用讀本” 初級上冊Unit 4課本上單字表中的單字,會以聽力測驗方式考拼字,請準備!
☆完成Unit 4課本上的練習題。並寫完Richard老師給的第一個圖題寫作練習單,本週上課帶回給Richard老師批改。
☆找出Hidden Picture ” Down on the Farm” 中所有東西,並列出所有的名稱。