Tuesday, September 16, 2008

台中市 成人英語學習班 課後作業

2008/09/15 Monday—18:30~21:0 四維國小 成人英語學習班
1.You are welcome to review Unit #8 Sharing A Room (pages 19~20) 請複習第8課
2. You are welcome to preview Unit #9 No Hitting! (pages 21~25) 請預習第9課
i). While listening to the MP3 file, pay attention to Liam and Cylinda’s conversation and keep in mind the following questions:
1. What does the teacher say about John?
2. What word means ‘not nice’?
3. What is another phrase that means ‘even if’?
4. What do people try to throw a basketball into?
5. Which ones of these is a toy?
ii) You are welcome to complete the writing exercise on page 25. 請抽空完成第25頁練習題
3. See you on 2008/09/18 Thursday!

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