Saturday, September 27, 2008

台中市 成人英語學習班 課後作業

2008/09/25 Thursday —18:30~21:00 四維國小 成人英語學習班
1. The vocabulary from the two hidden picture puzzles are listed below. Note that some of the items appeared in both puzzles. 以下為兩個 hidden picture 的英文單字,有些單字是重複出現。
crown, pencil, handbell, bottle, toothbrush, heart, fish, kite, paper clip, boot, pennant, crescent moon, glove, megaphone, button, ladle, fishhook, domino, flag, golf club, needle, frying pan, worm, fork, cane, recorder, hockey stick.
2. On Thursday, October 2nd, we will discuss the answers for Review #2 in the Exercise Book, so therefore, if you want extra time to work on the exercise, you are welcome to do the following: 下週四英語課要做習作本的練習二,本週末你若有空可以預先做練習。
Complete Exercise #2 (pages 11~20)
i) Listen to the MP3 file for the Part I & II Listening Exercises (pages 11~12)
ii) Complete the Part III Reading Exercise –Vocabulary and Grammar (pages 13~16)
iii) Do not complete the Part IV Communicative Interaction Response Exercises (pages 16~17). We will do this during class on 2008/10/02. 預做練習時,請不要預做第16頁及第17頁的Part IV單元,該單元我們會在10月2日課堂上一齊練習。
iv) Complete the Part V, VI, VII Writing Exercises (pages 17~19).完成第17頁到第19頁的寫作練習。
v) Complete the Part IX Composition Exercise (page 20). 完成第20頁段落寫作練習。
3. You are welcome to review Unit #11 Tell Me About Yourself (pages 28~29) 請複習第11課
4. You are welcome to preview Unit #12 Too Many On-line Games! (pages 30~32) 請預習第12課
i). While listening to the MP3 file, pay attention to Jesse and Sophia’s conversation and keep in mind the following questions:
1. What does the teacher like to do when the weather is nice?
2. How many pieces of chocolate did the teacher eat yesterday?
3. Which is not an example of “trying something different for a change”?
4. When does the teacher say students might have some free time?
5. What does the teacher say that some people think is boring?
ii) You are welcome to complete the exercises on page 32. We will discuss the correct responses on 2008/09/29.
5. You are welcome to participate in the “Great Hidden Picture Contest.” Find the twenty-seven items embedded in the Merry-Go-Round picture. E-mail your wordlist to by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, September 28, 2008. We will announce the winner(s) during Monday’s class on 2008/09/29. 歡迎學員們參加 Hidden Picture 找圖比賽,請把找出來圖案的英文單字在 9/28 晚 上11:59 以前傳到我們電子信箱中,最早而且單字正確最多的為優勝者,我們會在下週一上課時公布答案及優勝者。
6. See you on 2008/09/29 Monday!下週一晚上見!

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